Hi All!
I know that a crazy few of you still check my blog periodically to see if I have blogged at all since last MAY! Well, for those who know me well, it has been quite crazy here since May. Short version: my grandma who raised me was in and out of the hospital several times, has now gotten to the point of needing constant care, I resigned from my job to take care of her, and that is what I am doing. So my blogging fell a little by the wayside.
But I had a day 2 days ago, that in the midst of it, I couldn't help but think: THIS DAY IS SO BLOG WORTHY! So that will be my entry back into blogging - which I hope I can keep up doing.
Monday 7am:Arrive at Kinkos to buy special paper that I needed to print special things. Was there Sunday too and was charged 18 cents per paper. NOW the man behind the counter wants to charge me 29 cents per paper. Oh no no! I tell him. He said it was different paper than day before. I said, well I asked for same stuff. Thank God my receipt from day before was still in my car (being a messy person works out for once?) and eventually he agreed he was wrong and I was right and he charged me for only 50 sheets at 18 cents rather than the 75 sheets I actually walked away with. (You know if everyone would just agree AT THE BEGINNING that I am right and they are wrong, things would always just be so much easier, ya know?)
Monday 8:43amArrive at McDonalds drive thru. Politely let another car who arrived just before me go ahead of me. When I saw the man weighed about 600 POUNDS however I thought, aw shit I'll be waiting in line forever! I placed my order and then sat there for 6 minutes waiting,
not for the car right ahead of me to get his order, but the car ahead of HIM. After 6 minutes, I laid on my horn and when the girl came to the first window, I said, "Couldn't that guy pull off to the side and wait? I'm SURE MY order (of ONE Egg McMuffin) is ready?" She said no. I said, OK then just give me a refund. She said, "It's OK, it's ready now." So the car waiting there got their order and drove off, the guy right ahead of me got his and drove off immediately, and then I get right up there. I was handed my Coke (which did NOT have the "easy ice" I asked for) and then the person walked away from the window. When a different guy came to the window, I said, "You guys HAVE to move faster than this!" He asked me if I'd move OFF TO THE SIDE TO WAIT FOR MY ORDER, I said, "I'm not going anywhere!" I said I asked for a refund but was told it was ready. He said, "Is that what you want, a refund?" I said, "No - I want my food." About another minute went by and I finally got it -
10 minutes after placing the order.
A chicken could have laid an egg in the time it took me to get my McMuffin!
Monday 9am:Arrive at church to do weekly money counting. Cannot get in for 25 minutes because the guy was was supposed to let us in (since it was Labor Day and the office was closed) was not there.
Monday 2:10pm:Arrive at movie theater to see movie - Talladega Nights. As I am in line for ticket I look up at the board..."Movies Sold Out: Talladega Nights 2:10"
Monday 3:45pm:Arrive at Officemax to have printing order completed. As I get there they cut the papers - all CROOKED (until I stop her). At first CopyMax person says nothing can be done for me to make up for HER MISTAKE of RUINING most of these. I will not take no for an answer, go to manager and stand with him for AN HOUR as he does his best to straighten out all the cards the other person cut crooked.
Monday 5:30pm:Arrive home, at least in one piece, but with chest pain from the ANXIETY all day long!

So there! How's that for making up for lost time?