26 September 2006

Wake Me Up When September Ends

This song by Green Day kind of became my summer song. With everything going on with my grandma, I kind of set my sights set on the end of September, thinking/hoping that all this would be over by then.

Well here we are, September 26, and it does not look like it will be over anytime soon. She is still weak, in pain a lot, not walking much (after yet another fall 2 weeks ago), and not eating much at all.

I quit my job at the beginning of August to take care of her. Sometimes I wonder if that was the right thing to do. I always told myself that if the time came, that I would do just what I did. And now, if it were just her being sick and me needing to take care of her, I really don't think I would have a problem with it much at all. But all the other "crap" that comes along with it is what gets to me...the her not wanting to eat/me trying to force her to eat something; the not wanting to try to walk/me forcing her to walk a little so as to not get blood clots, bed sores, etc; the her being depressed all the time and getting mad at ME for being the one trying to get her to do this stuff...I could go on and on.

There are times when I seriously think I may be losing my mind. I feel myself getting so angry at her - not for her not being able to do something, but for the attitude she has about everything and towards me, especially. I find myself physically getting so upset - yelling, wanting to throw things, etc. I guess I am just looking for some re-assurance that I am not a horrible person for feeling this way. I guess a person can only take so much.

Along with that, since quitting the job I had, I look for meaningful things to do to keep me busy, especially things in line with what my background is - working in ministry. I crave this, I think, because I need to feel like I am accomplishing something, something that has immediate results, appreciation, and can somehow make me feel like I still valuable at what I know I can do.

While I am not a stay at home mom, I AM a stay at home caretaker. I feel that the sacrifice, dedication, and choice I made is very similar. So I honestly think that I struggle with many of the same issues. Feeling cooped up, unappreciated, wanting to contribute to the world (not just the laundry room or sickbed), missing the career world and interacting with everyone, and just plain getting fed up at times.

So please, I know some of you stay at home (and working) moms - and others - probably have some words of wisdom to share. So please do...!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caring for our elderly family members is NO PICNIC!!! I understand your frustration. We love them but they act like we are out to get them. I guess I do "get away" when I go to work, and I do need that. Just know that you're doing your best and no matter how you are "appreciated" you know that you're doing your best for her. God's watching... He knows.

10:46 PM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger Silly Hily said...

All I can say is don't feel bad for feeling the way you do. Don't! it's only natural and there is nothing wrong with it. All I can think of is...would you rather be unappreciated by anyone other than her? Probably not.
Take care Jenny (of yourself as well as your grandmother).

10:03 AM, September 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen I'm sorry to hear that caring for Grandma has become such a trial. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make the struggles go away.

While I know it feels very different to you. You are engaged in a very important ministry right now. Taking care of your Grandma. And if you take the time to unpack some of what is going on, you are also probably learning alot that will help you in your future ministry.

Having said that, I will ask you what I ask anyone who is feeling overwhelmed by their ministry. Are you taking a day off? Are you seeing your Spiritual Director regularly?

Take care, God Bless and extra prayers coming your way.

11:51 PM, September 28, 2006  
Blogger Lost A Sock said...

I have a checklist for you, full of jobs that will give immediate results, and make you feel appreciated. By me. Be here at 7am tomorrow, and let the appreciating begin!

In all seriousness, you're right. And, this is probably going to be one of the hardest jobs you ever have. Keep plugging day by day, and you will get through it.

12:58 PM, September 29, 2006  

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