14 March 2006

Happy Birthday Jerry Taft!

As much as he didn't like it, the newscasters on the 6pm news tonight wished Jerry a happy birthday. Well, Kathy Brock wished him a belated birthday because she told him she thought it was yesterday. He said, no, he just had told her it was yesterday so no one would mention it today.

Anyway - they asked him how old he is and he told them - 63! I have to admit I was wondering, because about 2 weeks ago, he mentioned how weird it is to have his oldest daughter be 42 and his youngest 10. I didn't believe it, since I figured him to be only in his early 50s himself. You're lookin good Jerry! And happy birthday! Go play yourself a round of golf - when the weather improves!

On another note, I ended up being sick for most of the weekend, finally coming out of it sometime Sunday morning. I was couchridden all of Friday night and all day Saturday. It DID give me the opportunity, though, to watch the entire 5th season of the Sopranos in preparation for the Season 6 premiere. I have to admit that in a way it was nice to have my grandma take care of me again, for a change. Bringing me hot tea and rubbing my back with Vicks.

Because none of us could hold out - Kevin especially - Molly, Kevin and I decided to watch the Sopranos in our respective houses on Sunday night instead of waiting until Monday. Thank God, too. Because one of the first things one of my fellow money counters said to me on Monday morning was, "Yeah, I see he got shot!" I told her: "It is a DAMN good thing I watched it last night, or I would have just shot YOU for telling me that!"

It definitely WAS a good episode - I jumped when Tony got shot. But I just know he can't die - at least not yet - because, come on, the ratings would drop. Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. If you do not watch the Sopranos - shame on you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Jen, I don't have cable in my room. Going down to the community room in my PJs just doesn't cut it. I am glad that you were able to watch it on Sunday.

12:06 AM, March 15, 2006  
Blogger Lost A Sock said...

Just wanted to point out that a large percentage of your entries involve JT. I'll worry when your blog name changes to "Mistress of Jerry Taft."

But keep em coming - I find that hunka hunka weatherman fascinating as well. Ok maybe not quite hunka hunka, but you know...

4:18 PM, March 15, 2006  
Blogger Lost A Sock said...

Oh, and, nice job putting a hat on the guy's head. Looks like it was meant to be there. haha

4:19 PM, March 15, 2006  
Blogger Jenabeeb said...

Large percentage? I think it's only been TWO...oh well.
Yes, I thought the hat was a nice touch, too. It took a bit of manuveuring to get it like that!

12:52 AM, March 16, 2006  

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