And the Oscar goes to...

I am so glad that Crash won for Best Picture. I saw this movie about 3 months ago and thought it was absolutely terrific. Well acted, powerful stories, and powerful meaning that gets you thinking.
For those who are not familiar with it, Crash takes place in L.A. over the course of one day. In those hours, it shows about 5 different sets of characters, who interact/have a connection with each other without necessarily knowing it. "Issues of race and gender cause a group of strangers in Los Angeles to physically and emotionally collide in this drama from director and screenwriter Paul Haggis."
I highly recommend it for those who like movies that are not only entertaining, but make you think. It shows us prejudice and hate, but also redemption and hope. Rent it if you haven't seen it.
Talking more about the awards, I have to say I loved Jon Stewart as the host. I need to watch his "Daily Show". I think he did a great job. My two favorite jokes of the night were: 1) Bjork unfortuntately didn't make it to the Oscars tonight. She put on her costume and Dick Cheney mistakenly shot her. 2) (After showing a picture of Charlton Heston aka Moses) Man, he looks cut. I think he's been lifting 20 Commandments!
One thing that annoyed me was the soft under-music being played from the moment the person began their acceptance speech. It made them out of breath trying to rush through it and was just plain annoying.
I loved Reese Witherspoon's speech. She is such a classy woman - well spoken, well dressed, and smart.
And of course there's George!

What a charmer and so handsome! I'm very glad he won. If for no other reason than the camera is on him more and he'll be interviewed! ;)
I agree with your assessment of Crash. It is an awesome movie. Well written, well shot, well acted. I watcehd it on my brother's big screen. And even though I had figured out what was going to happen, I still jumped and gasped in fear for the little girl. Yes that last sentance was vague, but if you've seen the movie you know what I mean, and if you haven't I haven't ruined it for you.
And on a lighter note, anyone named after the national dish of Scotland can't be all bad.
Well, I gasped in fear and cried at that scene too. Definitely the most powerful moment, I think. When she started out there to give her dad the imaginary shield...Great writing.
Well it's been a while but I'm all caught up with your blog. Now for a few comments. What no words on the Sox?
Crash stole the award from Brokeback.. you can pick any newspaper and read about the reality of Crash. Brokeback is a unique untold story that should have had its reward
Your experience at Sam's reminded me of a day at the grocery store. a woman asked me what was more popular, the small curd or large curd cottage cheese. After replying I asked her why? she responded matter of factly " I never eat it but since this size is on sale I might as well buy it"
So we have Fat Tuesday, Fast Wed., Fatter thursday and Fat a_ _ Friday-Jay Leno
Stat Counter-- I hope it doesn't reveal who I am!!
I missed DWTS and I was soooo looking forward to it I hope they have a third series so I can watch it again
"Stick with the Easy Stuff" blog worried me. I thought your first paragraph was refering to the- oh so cute- picture of the penquins.
What I did see in the picture is a few 'cold ones' LOL
Sorry to hear about your grandma but a terrible lead to the dvd story. I too saw the movie Madagascar and without any kids in tow. It sure makes the ticket guy wonder. great movie fun for any age. (Maybe that guy who laughed was there alone and was embarassed because he got caught.) Anyway at least you had a good time and you put a smile on his face.
Toby Keith must have put on a great concert. I listen to his songs while I'm on the internet. In fact he 's singing my favorite right now. 'I like this bar"
Quite a drive to Peoria but I'm sure it was worht it. Good for you for getting a great deal on the tickets and not getting burned on Ebay
And lastly, I never thought those kind of boots were made for anything else but looks and style. You may have looked great in them and they probably felt good in the store, but honey you're right, they are not made for walking
Well is that enough comments for you. I hope so. Can't wait for the next installment.
All right Miss Hassle-People-When-they-don't-update-quickly-enough-and-then-take-a-three-day-leave-of-absence..... Where's some new material??
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