Stick with the easy stuff

This post could easily be a very depressing, graphic and disgusting one. But it won't.
For those of you who know me well, you know that my grandma is chronically sick from various "intestinal" and "bathroom" issues. Constipation doesn't begin to describe it, but that is the way I will begin and END describing it.
The last few days have been torture again with these same problems. I truly hate seeing her in such agony over it. A nurse came to the house today to help matters along, but with no real luck. So here we are, for the second time in about 2 months, with her needing to drink this saline stuff that is usually only given before "procedures" - if you get my drift. Needing to drink 8oz every 15 minutes - and this bottle is huge. So let's hope that it works - but I know it won't be pretty in the meantime. Please pray for the best.
So, as I was on my way home from Osco, picking up this prescription stuff, I was in the left turn lane behind another car. It was a minivan and you know how so many of them now are equipped with DVD players and screens for the back seat. Well this was not the first time that I have become very distracted by watching what I presume the driver's kid(s) were watching. But tonight I was evn more entranced. Probably from the lack of sleep (from the late concert and drive home last night - as well as being up half the night/morning/all afternoon, with my grandma). Playing on their DVD was "Madagascar." What a fun movie! And right as I was behind this minivan, there was a scene with my favorite characters - the penguins.
I went to see this movie twice in the theater. The second time was appropriate - with KJ, Molly, and the family. The first time was just me and Annette. As she and I were buying our popcorn, the guy behind the counter was trying to make small talk.
Guy: "So, what movie are you guys seeing today?"
Annette: "Madagascar."
What - is there something wrong with two grown women going to see an animated movie, that in reality has more jokes in it that adults get than kids do anyway?
Oh well.
But the light turned red for the left turn, the minivan turned, leaving me behind to wish I could have seen more of the cute little penguins. "Just smile and wave boys. Just smile and wave!"
ooh, Jen, I'll be praying for you two. I'm glad you can still in the middle of all of it look at the lighter things.
ps- Nice work on the clip art;)
That's very cute. (The second part, not the first.) I hope things will be/stay ok.
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