Ever talk to yourself?
Well, it's been a few days since I've posted anything on here. To any of you who have been reading, I thank you. To everyone, please pass my blog along and COMMENT on it for goodness sake. I don't want to feel like I am only talking to myself. I do enough of that as it is ! ;)
It's only like a week into doing this, and I feel at a loss as to what to talk about. There are some topics - such as the continuing priest abuse scandal, that I would really like to comment about, but do not feel that I should, considering I work for the Archdiocese and all. I would like to hear other people's opinions, if you would like to share, though.

To change the subject completely - I just received in the mail the other day my information to plan a group outing to a White Sox game this year. I've organized a trip the last two years and they were lots of fun. Now that the SOX are WORLD CHAMPS it will be even more fun to be there. It was an amazing season last year and the playoffs were even better. I will always remember that they actually won TWO games on my birthday to clinch the World Series (one game ended after 1am and then they also played later that night.)
One day in the near future I will have to tell you about my past 'obsession' (ok Molly I'll admit it) that I had with former Sox player Carlton Fisk!... What a great player!
I kid you not- just yesterday as we drove past the-park-that-forever-shall-remain-Comiskey we told KJ how we'd have to get Auntie Jenny to plan a game again this summer, and viola! there you go! Needless to say, count us in. :0)
HEY, I check these blogs every night! I expect to have reading material before I close down for the night....Give me more!!!!!
You told me I should read your blogs and I am finding them entertaining, but you will have to excuse me if I pass over any that have a White Sox Logo. Now that you have bragging rights and you won't let us Cubbies forget it, the envy and rivalry has moved to even greater heights. But don't let me stop you from writing about your boys in black, I am always looking for something to put me to sleep ;)
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