05 February 2006

Welcome to the Family!

Well, today Jack, my godson, was baptized into the Catholic Church and I "officiallly" became a godmama. I am so grateful to Molly & Kevin to have been chosen for this. For that I thank them!

The day went well. No droppage of Jack, despite his very slippery, satiny baptism gown that has been passed down through Molly's family over the years. Out of the 3 babies baptized, he cried least of all, although they all did since it was immersion into the water. Talk about your the horror of your first swimming lesson! What a way to do it!

For months leading up to today Molly and Kevin have teased me that the priest at their parish (being a Notre Dame grad) always (kidding around) told the godparents at baptisms that it was THEIR responsibility to pay for the child's college tuition to Notre Dame. However he must've forgotten to say it this time. So as Kevin said, we're off the hook on account of a loophole! Yippee!

Jack is also up to 6lbs. 12 ounces - much better than the 4 lbs 6 oz hw was at birth.

I hope to post a picture or two tomorrow with Jack and his baptism into God's family!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the family Jenny! You have been a dear friend not only to Molly but to our whole family. We are honored that you accepted and blessed to have you as a family member. I am looking into the ND issue though ;0)

11:13 AM, February 06, 2006  
Blogger Lost A Sock said...

Jack could not be more blessed than to have you as his Godmother. I love the relationship the two of you have already, even though he's so young. I know you'll be a special part of each other's lives forever (and mine too).

We're working on Fr. Murphy to get a letter typed up for you. It'll be stamped with some kind of official Catholic seal or something. In the mean time keep on savin sister!

5:13 PM, February 07, 2006  
Blogger Jenabeeb said...

Hey - where's Kerry in all this? 50% of this share is his!

11:09 PM, February 11, 2006  

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